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Internal Temp for Pork Butt: What Temp is Pork Butt Done?

Internal Temp for Pork Butt: What Temp is Pork Butt Done?

Pulled pork must reach the right temperature before it can be served. It won’t shred well if it doesn’t reach the right temperature.

Excess fat and gristle can also be a problem, which you don’t want. This article will help ensure that you get the perfect internal temp for pork butt.

Internal Temp for Pork Butt:

Pork butt should be done at 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Some pitmasters recommend that you pull the pork butt from the grill at 195°F, while others suggest waiting until it reaches 203°F. To sum it all, 200 degrees is a good rule to follow.

Pork butt must be at least 145°F to be safe for consumption. This applies to all pork chops and roasts, as well as steaks. Even though ham is smoked and cured before consumption, it should be allowed to reach at least 145 degrees before being eaten.

The FDA used to recommend that pork be cooked to 160 degrees for safety reasons. Although they have relaxed their guidelines slightly for whole cuts, they recommend that chefs cook meats and organ meats to 160 degrees.

Although the meat is safe to eat once it reaches 145 degrees, you should cook the pork butt much longer. The meat will not be cooked properly if it is removed from the heat too quickly.

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What is Pork Butt?

The pork butt is made up of parts of the neck and shoulder blades of the pig. This pork butt is a medium-hard cut with lots of connective tissue. This is the area where the ham (cooked fresh, cured, or smoked) comes from. Ham is the thigh, most of the gluteus maximus, and the entire ham (that’s why it’s so meaty).

When you consider that “butt” can also refer to the thicker part of something (e.g., the butt of a gun) or the blunt side of something, a pork butt would be the thicker shoulder cut. Pork butt cuts cost about $2.50 per pound.

How to cook Pork Butt?

Both pork shoulder and pork butt are best when simmered. They can be used as stew meats, barbecued, braised, or used in stews. Because they are strong in flavor, they can withstand strong flavors like barbecue sauce and chiles.

This is because the meat comes from a section of the body that is hardworking. It develops great flavor by carrying all the hog weight. This is especially true for pastured pork that has been raised in an environment where they can move freely.

What does Pork Butt taste like?

Pork butt’s high-fat content gives the meat more flavor and naturally bastes it. Slow cooking at low heat for long periods brings out all the flavors and produces a more tender cut of meat.

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Pork Butt vs. Pork Shoulder?

Pork shoulder is also a cut of pork. Pork butt is made from the thicker shoulder section. This area has more intense marbling or fat. Although pork butt might contain the shoulder blade bone, it is not common.

The cuts labeled “shoulder”, including “picnic shoulders”, are made from the thinner, triangular-shaped shoulder end. These would attach to the butt if not commonly divided into smaller cuts. It is lighter in marbling and has less fat.

You can use both a pork shoulder and a pork butt in many recipes if you need to. Pork shoulder works well when you need to cut or chop the meat but still retain its shape. The more intense marbling in pork butt makes it ideal for barbecue, especially pulling pork or other recipes that require the meat to be easily shredded.

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How to Avoid Pork Butt That’s Raw Inside

A simple checklist and process can ensure consistent results when smoking a pork butt. Before putting the meat in the smoker, please remove it for at least 30 minutes from the fridge. Pre-heat your smoker to the right temperature. Your roast’s thickness, smoker temperature, and bone condition will affect the cooking time.

Inexperienced smokers and barbecuers make common mistakes when thawing pork butt. A frozen roast can take between 3-5 hours to thaw in the fridge and 4-5 hours. A large roast may take between 3 and 4 days to thaw thoroughly. You can increase the cooking time up to 50% if you realize that you have miscalculated the thawing times.

Because bone-in meat doesn’t conduct heat well, it takes longer to cook. The dampers and vents can be opened or closed to regulate the smoker’s temperature. The ideal temperature should be between 225-degrees Fahrenheit to 250-degrees Fahrenheit. A reliable thermometer for smokers can double-check the temperature.

A meat thermometer is the best way to determine if pork has reached its doneness. The USDA recommends that pork butt be cooked at a temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit. This might work well for a roast, but the meat must be cooked at a higher temperature to allow the connective tissue to dissolve and tenderize.

It would be best if you baked your roast at 195 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit. For the best results, most pulled pork enthusiasts recommend that pork butt be cooked at 195 degrees.

A ThermoPro meat thermometer is a great way to check the internal temperature of meat in a smoker. A wireless thermometer can be chosen that gives you an outside reading so that you don’t have to open your smoker or alter the temperature.

ThermoPro also makes other thermometers that can confirm smoker temperatures or monitor the temperature of the meat with their cable-type thermometers.

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How to Measure Pork Butt Temp During Smoking

To monitor the internal temperature of your meat, you will need a digital or wireless thermometer that has an attached cable. While pork butt can be cooked to 145° or higher, the ideal temperature for pulled pork is at 195° for tender meat that breaks apart easily.

The probe should be inserted into the middle of the thickest portion of the roast. However, the tip of the thermometer must not touch the bone.

High-quality thermometers will keep the roast’s temperature constant throughout cooking. You can adjust the temperature or close the vents to increase heat if the smoker is not heating correctly.

Verdict: Internal Temp for Pork Butt

It doesn’t matter how large or small the pork butt is; the internal temperature must reach 195 degrees Fahrenheit. 200 is a better number to aim for and easier to remember. This will help you to move forward with ease.

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